ACH team at away day playing drums

Blogs and news

Combining Green Business Skills and Nature Connection

At ACH, we’ve been bustling with activity, dedicated to delivering, refining, and innovating our Introduction to Green Employment course, our Accelerated Cooking and Entrepreneurship course alongside providing continued support to our clients through our Green Gr

Here's how our Business Start-Up Workshop Went in Birmingham and Bristol

This partnership was born out of a pressing need to bridge the gap between migrant founders and the wider business community.

Bridge to employment - Igor's story

Igor arrived in the UK in May 2022, leaving behind the turmoil of his beloved Ukraine. A successful lawyer with his own firm, Igor had built a reputation representing prominent figures in the high levels of government.

Understanding and Combatting Black Mould and Damp in Your Home

What causes black mould and damp?

Black mould and damp typically occur in areas where there is excess moisture and inadequate ventilation.

An Interview with our New Board Chair

With a distinguished background in governance and social impact, Museji brings a wealth of experience and a visionary outlook to his role at ACH.

In a recent interview, he shared insights into his journey and vision for ACH's future:

My First 50 days: Abbas Bukhari

Coming from a professional background in Pakistan where software systems were not as advanced, I was eager to immerse myself in more advanced technologies.

Becoming Culinary Entrepreneur: The Accelerated Cooking and Entrepreneurship Course

Over the course of seven weeks, we learned about a variety of bread types, butchery techniques, dietary requirements, fish dishes, and cake making.

A Recap of Our Birmingham Resident Engagement Day

Occurring on the evening of February 23rd, we were delighted to host 15 tenants who came together to share their voices, connect with one another, and provide invaluable feedback on their living experiences.  

Flagship £2.5m public and private sector deal delivers new homes for refugees in Bristol

The innovative deal has been led by ACH (Ashley Community & Housing), a Bristol-based refugee housing and integration organisation, who has chosen South West place-based impact investor BBRC (Bristol & Bath Regional Capital) as its investment partner.