Charter of Rights

Charter of Rights - Supported Accommodation

Everyone living in exempt supported accommodation has a right to feel safe and protected; to live in decent conditions; to privacy, and to receive the support they are entitled to. It is your home, even if on a temporary basis. You have a ‘right to belong’ and to seek help and advice if you have any concerns.

  • A right to feel safe and protected

Feeling safe is a basic human need. Every effort should be taken to ensure you are appropriately housed and are able to feel ‘at home’ in your surroundings.

  • A right to clear information on your support entitlement

As a resident of supported accommodation, you should receive a level of care, support or supervision.

  • A right to decent living conditions

Houses must be fit for purpose and habitable.

  • A right to security of property

You have a right to keep your belongings safe.

  • A right to seek advice or assistance, and to challenge

Anyone who feels they have been inappropriately housed or that their rights are not being upheld can seek support and advice from an independent organisation