ACH team at away day playing drums

Blogs and news

Strengthening Employment and Education Skills for Integration (SEESI)

ACH hosted five partner organisations on November 5th and 6th 2018 for the kick-off meeting for our new ERAMUS+ project Strengthening Employment and Education Skills for Integration (SEESI).

Lift the Ban Coalition Meeting

On Monday 21st January we took part in a Lift the Ban coalition gathering in London. With more than 140 coalition members, this was a great opportunity to connect with others who are working on this issue and exchange ideas.

Addressing the productivity challenges of microbusinesses

ACH are delighted to be part of a new research project funded by the Economic & Social Research Council (ESRC) to investigate ways of addressing the productivity challenges facing microbusinesses.

Quality Education - UN SDGs

The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals; 17 goals to transform our world. Goal 4 is Quality Education and our training arm Himilo is working towards this goal. Read more about how our work aligns with this SDG goal and how you can get involved.

Meet the team leaders: Julia Palmer

As part of our new video series, Meet the team leaders, we are interviewing our staff so you can get to know them better! This month we talked with Julia Palmer, Careers Advice and Employment Manager, who is off on maternity leave soon! She has been key in building relationships with employers to get refugees into work.

Careers talk at City of Bristol College

Our careers team recently attended City of Bristol College to give some ESOL students a talk on careers and CVs at their winter assembly. This will be followed up with a workshop to help the students 1:1 with their job searches and making sure their CVs are up to date.

7 Very Good Reasons To Hire Refugees In 2019

There many reasons for UK employers to hire refugees. We’ve pulled together the seven most important ones and structured them under some key themes. So, start 2019 by doing something which will dramatically improve lives and your business.

Celebrating with our learners

We recently celebrated our learners' completion of their IAG Level 2 course 2018. They have all done extremely well and it has been a pleasure to teach them more about communication, community and diversity.

How Will Brexit Impact the Refugee Crisis?

There is a lot of confusion about how Brexit will impact many parts of UK life. For us, one of the key questions is how will Brexit impact the refugee crisis? We look at different angles to this complex issue.