ACH and MMB Seminar 2 | Beyond Integration
Beyond Integration | Bringing Together Research, Policy and Delivery on Integration, organised by ACH and Migration Mobilities Bristol (MMB) was the second in a series of five seminars that took place Monday 19th April, 1pm – 3pm on Zoom.
‘Integration’ can be a controversial concept. When applied to migrant communities it has often been associated with assimilation, a ‘one-way’ process treating migrants as “others” who need to “fit in”. This successful event with nearly 70 participants challenged past approaches, to look “beyond integration” and explore how to ensure that people can fulfil their potential and attain their aspirations within the labour market and wider community.
We looked at the ESRC funded Everyday Integration project, a collaboration between the University of Bristol, Bristol City Council, and thirty Community Organisations from across Bristol (including ACH) and the local contexts, practices, & mobilities of integration. We explored the importance of bringing lived experience to integration practices and Innovative Methodologies of Fostering Integration.
A massive thank you to our speakers Segal Abdi, Richard Thickpenny from ACH and Jon Fox from the University of Bristol for their fascinating insights. Thank you also to Prof Bridget Anderson Director of MMB for Chairing and Ann Singleton, MMB Strategic Policy Lead for drawing conclusions.
This is the latest in a series of seminars organised by ACH and MMB on “Bridging the Gap” between research, policy development and delivery. Read about our first seminar here.
You can view the slides from the day here, or alternatively, watch the seminar below!
Please email marketing@ach.org.uk for more information.