staff and tenants

Annual Tenant Party

There was a fantastic turnout at our annual tenant party held at the Barton Hill Settlement. Staff and tenants ventured out in the summer heat to spend the afternoon together celebrating the success of our hard work.  A stand decorated with traditional East African relics took centre stage, as people clamoured to try on the brightly coloured clothes.

The party kicked off with a game, encouraging people to speak to 10 new people for a sticker in return. Once you’d gathered your stickers, you qualified for the delicious food made by Somali Kitchen.  Everyone enjoyed it thoroughly with some even going up for seconds! After the food came the music. A large group of staff and tenants, including our CEO, got together to dance the food babies away on the dancefloor.

“I had great fun, and I loved the food” said one of our staff members.

A tenant expressed how great it was “seeing all the tenants and staff come together to celebrate a wonderful event.”

The work done at ACH is aimed at integrating our tenants into society, by providing accommodation, support and training. With the guidance of our staff, all our tenants are hitting personal milestones each day. Therefore, this party was aimed at celebrating the achievement of our staff and the accomplishments of our tenants.