Elevating Employee Engagement: Our EOY Surprise Staff Gift
As we wrapped up the year in December 2023, we sought new ways of appreciating ACHers for their awesome service through out the year. Beyond our customary practices of early salary payments and recognising the stars of the month, we set out on a new venture in Birmingham.
Every team member, whether in the office or working in the field (houses), was in for a delightful surprise – a personalised gift package. On one of the final workdays before the holidays, staff walked into beautifully curated boxes on their desks, each accompanied by a heartfelt personalised card expressing gratitude for their unique contributions throughout the year.
The surprise gift box brought a sense of appreciation to our diverse team. The individualised touch, from the personalised cards, aimed to ensure that every member felt truly valued. It was a small gesture, but the cheerful looks on most faces and the positive atmosphere in the office spoke volumes. As we look back on this initiative, we recognise that while we may not be perfect, our determination to enhance employee engagement is unwavering.
In the aftermath of this surprise, we sought to understand the impact on our team through a survey. The responses were overwhelmingly positive. An impressive 86% from the received responses found the personalised thank-you notes meaningful and relevant to their contributions at work. Likewise, 93% felt that the overall presentation and packaging effectively conveyed a message of appreciation and captured their contributions well. Even the inclusion of edibles garnered positive responses, with 79% saying it was enjoyable. Most importantly, every respondent believed that such gestures significantly contributes to enhancing work culture and team spirit and we couldn't agree more.
We recognise the need for continuous improvement and our commitment to evolving and valuing our incredible team remains steadfast. Please enjoy some cheerful-looking photos from the day below and you might even learn innovative ways of utilising your gift-box ribbon.