Rashiid codes his way to Nanodegree success
After graduating from the prestigious Nanodegree programme, Rashiid has been celebrating his remarkable success this week with ACH, CodeDoor and his fellow students. A graduation event was held in his honour at the ACH Training Centre in Birmingham, giving his supporters and fellow students an opportunity to raise a glass to his achievement.
Rashiid is the first student to complete the Nanodegree with ACH and CodeDoor, having shown an impressive aptitude for coding and computer development.
What is a Nanodegree?
The Nanodegree is a very respected online computer programming qualification offered to refugees in partnership with ACH and CodeDoor, Germany’s leading provider of developer training. The aim of the course is to provide opportunities for refugees and migrants to gain incredibly useful coding and computer skills, in order to build sustainable and long-lasting careers in IT.
Due to a current skills gap in the employment market, qualified coders are in high demand. This gap stems from an under-representation of certain groups, including the BAME community, refugees, migrants and women. It is the hope of ACH and CodeDoor that the Nanodegree will provide refugees with the opportunity to supply this demand and build successful careers in technology industries.
Rashiid's story
21-year-old Rashiid had always had a passion for computers. He was inspired by his father to learn to code and pursue a career in IT. After teaching himself skills in Python through online videos, Rashiid jumped at the chance to join CodeDoor’s programme and develop his coding when a family friend told him about the opportunity.
Rashiid is one of the students who then gained a scholarship for the programme, and was able to progress to the Nanodegree – the third and final step of the CodeDoor programme.
Along his journey to success, Rashiid gained help and mentorship from Terry Williamson, ACH’s expert volunteer facilitator, and from The Developer Society. A not-for-profit cooperative, The Developer Society are keen supporters of diversity in the workplace and creating opportunities for people under-represented in the technology sector.
Terry says; “CodeDoor is a long-term investment but with a rewarding career at the end of it.”
At the Graduation ceremony, Terry was there to present Rashiid with his certificate and celebrate both of their hard work and dedication to the Nanodegree programme. After being presented with his degree, Rashiid then answered questions from fellow students on the course, giving them helpful advice and tips for their own future success.
Rashiid is now applying for jobs in the IT sector and is confident that the Nanodegree will make him a very sought-after candidate, demonstrating both his coding skills and his dedicated work-ethic!