Refugee Integration Assessment Partners

Sharing our integration research

Last month Rachel and I went to Larissa in Greece for the second transnational meeting of Erasmus project ARIVE (Accepted, Resettled, Integrated, Valued and Employed). We met with partners from the UK (Rinova), Greece (Dimitra), Sweden (Folksuniversitet) and Italy (ERIFO).

Stage One

The first phase of the project involved desk and primary research from each partner. Our primary research involved interviews and focus groups with stakeholders in the community and with humanitarian migrants. We were looking into the barriers to integration, socially and within the labour market. We were also looking into opportunities available and most important aspects for inclusion.

Sharing our research was thought-provoking; each partner country has responded differently to new arrivals and their integration. The research will be amalgamated into a report whereby policy level recommendations will be made to promote the integration of refugees and other humanitarian migrants.

Stage Two

The next stage of the project will involve the creation and piloting of INTEGRASS, a Refugees Integration Assessment Toolkit to help assess knowledge, competence, skills and education. This tool aims to be holistic in its approach, considering life experience and helping individuals self-reflect and express their competencies to employers.

We’re looking forward to piloting the toolkit and the possibility of improving the journey of our clients and others within the refugee community.  

To find out more about our research projects visit


Written by Naomi Gill, ACH Support Worker

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