Non-Executive Director ¦ Chair of People, Culture & Governance Commitee
Helen Pennack

CIPD qualified HR professional by background with over 10 year's experience in HR, working as an Executive Director for a housing association in England. I have worked in many sectors including retail and utilities and have a real passion for developing great places to work cemented in health organisational cultures.

Having grown up in social housing as a “product” of a broken family and leaving school with minimal qualifications I have become very familiar with lived experiences of inequality and prejudice based on your background and social status. I have spent most of my professional career trying to break down these barriers, striving to ensure that people are treated as human beings and assessed on their values, commitments and ethics as opposed to their social status, education and background. I am passionate about equal opportunities and the work that ACH does to address this really inspires me.

Alongside my other trustee commitments, when I do have any spare time, I enjoy renovating my house and long-distance walking (both of which are activities I rarely actually get to cram in alongside a busy family life!