image of Ukraine flag

Support for Ukrainian nationals in the UK

ACH stands in solidarity with the people of Ukraine. We are providing comprehensive support for local authorities welcoming Ukrainians to the UK to aid social and economic integration.

We can tailor our approach dependent on your requirements and have a track record of delivering effective support services. Our connections with fellow support organisations mean we can also connect you with relevant help as and when required.

We can support you with:


Yellow outline of head with heart in
Health and wellbeing

GP registrations, mental health support and empowering people to access services independently

Green hat
Skills, training and employment

Volunteering and employment opportunities, English language lessons and more

two yellow hand with orange heart in middle
Integration and employment support plans

Including risk assessments to identify additional support needs

Block of A B C
Childcare and education

Liaising with and supporting schools/ nurseries and helping people access child services

Documents with two hands shaking
Welcome packs

Including a pre-paid sim card, smartphone and relevant information about the UK and local area

two people icons
Cultural and community engagement

Providing links to the local community

Yellow pound sign
Financial stability

Setting up bank accounts, enrolling for benefits and more

Blue house

Move on and tenancy support

Contact us

To find out more, please contact our Research and Project Lead, Tom Dixon. Or alternatively, use our contact form below.


Person on climbing wall

View our support services