Landlords needed in the West of England
On 2nd April 2019 we exhibited once again at the annual South West Landlord Expo at UWE, the largest event for private landlords and property agents in the South West.
The day saw 66 organisations exhibiting to over 500 delegates. We used the opportunity to talk to landlords about how we can work with them to manage their properties and use them to house refugees in the West of England.
We had a really positive day talking to landlords about this, and also about how they could take on a Property Maintenance Apprentice through our apprenticeship offering.
Throughout the day we had many landlords interested in our refugee integration work, and how they can make a positive social impact by working with us, as well as still receiving a return on their investment. We were surrounding by a number of great stalls covering many different housing needs, and came away with some useful contacts.
If you couldn’t make the event but would like to find out more information about how we work with landlords, contact our Housing Manager, Saed Mohamed:
Email: saed.mohamed@ach.org.uk
Phone: 0117 954 0433